
Saturday, March 9, 2013

She's Cereally Growing

My little one is another month older.



Here are her accomplishments:
  • She weighs 13 lb. 10 oz. and is 24 1/4 inches long.
  • She has discovered her feet and loves to play with her toes.
  • Her fingers have become her favorite teether.
  • She is starting to eat cereal (and boy is it a mess).
  • She holds herself up very well while on her tummy.
  • She is more attentive during storytime.
  • She constantly laughs and loves to play peek-a-boo.
  • She is a talker.  Although we cannot understand what she is trying to tell us, she has plenty to say.
We recently started her on cereal.  At first, we tried rice cereal, but it seemed like she really didn't like the taste of it.  So we switched her to oat cereal.  She is finally starting to get the hang of it.  A co-worker recently told me about a study claiming that infants do not possess the enzyme to break down grain until they are over a year old.  To me, this would explain how cereal constipates babies.  Here is the article I read:

When I asked Aubrey's doctor about it, she said she had not heard of any findings in that regard. Besides, the alternatives to cereal mentioned in the article above (egg yolks and liver) are just not realistic foods for a working mother to feed an infant. I just hope that I am making the right decision in giving cereal to her. I want her belly to stay full and her body to be nourished so that she is happy and healthy.  Any of you have any insight to offer?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

She is so cute!! Please bring her to our wedding : ) !!

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